2400 calorie diabetic diet

Here you have a sample of 2400 calorie diabetic diet meal plan per 1 day for diabetics.

2400 calorie diabetic diet

  • On the other meal plans I kept the meat to be very lean. On this one I let you select from the second level which is lean but still not fat.
  • It doesn't mean you are allowed to exaggerate with the fat meat and the fat milk.
  • Stay away from the cream, the butter, the ice cream, the French fries, the sauces and all the salad dressings!
  • Try to select the skim milk and the low fat cheese.
  • The best meat for you should be the lean meat such as the chicken, the turkey or the fish,
    although you can still enjoy a good t-bone steak from time to time. You deserve it.
  • the best bread for you should be the one which is rich in fibers and made from grains and whole wheat.
  • This diet contains about 275 grams of carbohydrates.
    If you want to reduce the carbohydrates then you can replace 1 serving of bread with meat.

GroupBreadVegetables FruitMeat Milk FatTotal

Meal Plan Sample with 2400 Calorie for a Day

FoodGroup  Servings  Calories    Carbs
2 slices of whole wheat breadBread216030
1 tsp. margarineFat145
1 appleFruit16015
1 cup skim milkMilk19012
1 boiled eggMeat175
coffee or tea – free
After Morning Snack
1/2 cup bran cerealsBread18015
3/4 cup yogurt - nonfatMilk19012
6 cashewsFat145
1 1/4 cup strawberriesFruit16015
salad: 1 cup tomatoesVegetables1255
1 cup cucumbersVegetables1255
1 cup peppersVegetables1255
1 cup onionsVegetables1255
1 cup lettuce – free
1 tbsp. mayonnaise - reduced fatFat145
5 oz. roasted turkeyMeat5275
1 cup brown riceBread216030
1 medium grapefruitFruit16015
1/2 cup sherbetMilk16012
Afternoon Snack
4 whole wheat crackersBread18015
1 oz. baked salmonMeat155
1 tbsp. mayonnaise - reduced fatFat145
4 oz. steak (t-bone) on grillMeat4220
2 medium potatoes - bakedBread216030
1 cup carrotsVegetables1255
1 cup sliced cabbageVegetables1255
1 cup celeryVegetables1255
1 tsp. olive oilFat145
2 tbsp. raisinsFruit16015
Evening Snack
1 slices of whole wheat breadBread18015
1/2 cup cottage cheeseMeat21103
1 cup skim milkMilk19012


For further adjustments and modifications to your 2400 calorie diabetic diet meal plan which derive from your nutritional needs, your weight, height, age, and your daily activity you should consult with your dietitian.

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