The Principles of Diet for Diabetics

Diet for diabetics is double trouble since you have to manage here not only your diabetes but also a proper diet.
Managing your diabetes and your diet for the best results may all starts and ends with your way of eating and the foods you choose to eat.
Choosing the right foods which are suitable for you may be the difference between healthy lifestyle and a catastrophe.
I've gathered here the best tips that you have to take into consideration and they will be very helpful while you eat and cope with diabetes at the same time.

tips for eating

  1. It's a new era for you now. Diabetes era.
    You must think well before you eat, what foods are forbidden, what foods are allowed, what quantities, what hours and etc.
  2. Therefore, it will be good for you if your meals would be planned in advance.
  3. For that reason, start learning about foods and their ingredients.
    Make acquaintance with the three groups: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
    The better you understand your foods, the more flexibility you can enjoy.
  4. Start analyzing.
    Today you can have nutritional information offered, either online or at the restaurant's menus.
  5. Start reading the food labels.
    The smaller amount of saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium is the better.
    The same goes for the foods with more fiber.
  6. Use exchange lists for planning your meals.
    Exchange lists are groups of foods that contain roughly the same mix of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and calories.
    Those lists would make your nutritional life more varied and much easier.
  7. You must learn how to lessen your meals.
    Eat in a smaller dish, more meals per one day, but smaller meals.
  8. Try to eat and chew slowly.
    Eating slow means slow digestion of food and it reduces the elevations of blood sugar levels.

Surely there are more tips and advices to be given on this serious subject.
If you have anything else to add, you are invited to write it here.

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